OpenAI Five beat 4 professional teams clearly
The battle between OG and OpenAI was carried out in a bo3 format and both maps were scored by the team with artificial intelligence. The remarkable fact is that OG lost on the second map in less than 20 minutes and the difference in the teams’ kills was very big. Showmatches with bots were hosted at The International 2018 too. There, they lost matches with paiN Gaming and All Stars China. The match between OG and OpenAI Five was carried out with a limited pool of heroes and other restrictions.
The capital of the team OG, Johan ‘N0tail’ Sundstein made a comment about the match in the following way on Twitter:
«Damn... Felt like we could've won with more practice. Just hope they remember how nice and mannered we were once they own the planet»
Last month, bots from OpenAI Five managed to play with four teams, playing at the professional Dota stage, namely Alliance, SG e-sports, Team Lithium, and OG. OpenAI Five won all matches with a score 2-0. None of the professional teams was able to resist the bots or to win a map at least.
Mere om hold:
