Resolut1on can leave Forward Gaming
One of the players from Forward Gaming, Resolut1on, posted a story on Instagram where he wrote “New chapter”, where we could see that he was sitting in a plane. The community thinks that Roman has decided to come back to Ukraine. Esports organization Resolut1on signed a contract with didn't comment on the situation.
As a reminder, the Ukrainian player joined FWD in September last year. He managed to get to all the three Major tournament of the current season, but nevertheless, Forward never made it to more than 9-12 place. At DreamLeague Season 11, FWD took the 13-16 place and left the competition getting $10,000 and 75 DPC points.
At the moment the roster of Forward Gaming is the following:
Roman ‘Resolut1on’ FominokYawar ‘YawaR’ HassanSaahil ‘UNiVeRsE’ AroraArif ‘MSS’ AnwarAvery ‘SVG’ Silverman
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