EGW-NewsDota 2The Ask Me Anything column by CCnC

The Ask Me Anything column by CCnC

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One of the OpTic Gaming players, Quinn «CCnC» Callahan made an AMA session at the forum Reddit, where he answered the questions that had been asked by users.

We have selected some of the most interesting questions and answers that relate to CCnC’s career and others. You can find out the full version of AMA on Reddit, following the link.

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Q: Suprised you didn't put 33 at 3 pos and zai at 4, any possibility of role swaps in the future

A: Zai wanting to stick with 3 played a big decision in all our roster choices. I don't think you should ever make a player play a role he doesn't want to. Always better to just find a different player that fits into your ideal role setup. So most likely no to role swaps.

Q: How did you climb so high so quickly? Did you play your first few games and just realise, 'wow I'm good at this' and then go from there?

A: I think I just took the game very seriously from the start. After probably 5 games I was looking up guides watching ti games in the client copying people that stomped me in pubs. When you put that much effort and several years you just get progressively better. I think another huge aspect of going from the random pubber to actual good player is becoming friends with good players, and learning from them. I could go on an on about players that taught me stuff and massively appreciate them.

Q: At the time of this AMA, you are 49th on the AMER MMR leaderboards. As a 9K player in the previous system, what are your personal thoughts on the new MMR system and how has it impacted your game-play experience? Also, what is your "current" MMR if you don't mind me asking?

A: For the like 1% in mmr i think it is probably worse motivation wise for pubs. But that doesn't really matter cause the highest mmr players play for practice and fun not mmr. At least that is what is optimal. So if it encourages lower mmr players to play more and gets people into dota I am ALL for it.

Q: Why'd you guys decide to pick up 33 over other possible options?

A: We sorta ruled universe out near the start because zai wanted to stick with the 3 role. After that it was between a few people and mostly got decided by everyone just sorta talking about their gut feelings on people, and who would work out in the long term the best. Because that's what everyone's shooting for, a team you can work upwards with and compete well at TI. And we felt like 33 was the best fit for that.

Q: Who do you think it's the most garbage hero right now and why?

A: Wind rangers a rough one I think. Just doesn't do really anything better than other heroes. Pretty sure there's always just a better option. But even wr probably has a game where she's pickable. That's one of the coolest things about how ice frog patches. He very rarely alters the role a hero plays in the game and what circumstances you would pick them. Makes for much more variety and lets there be such a huge range of hero picks. Ty frog

Q: What do you think about the new EG and are you excited to have a rival?

A: I think like many I was pretty shocked by the roster change but I'll reserve judgement until some results come out. I've made some statements about teams qualifying for tournaments in the past that have bit me rather hard in the behind, so I shall refrain.

Q: What's Zai like as a teammate?

A: Super super chill. Never gets mad really talented and smart and just a laid back guy. Having a team full of these super calm mature people is a really great environment to play in. Also very witty when he wants to be

Q: Hey CCnC! I noticed that PPD likes to put you on heroes you may not have been the most comfortable with. He doesn't draft you many Ta's or Sf like heroes. You think He's helped you expand your playing pool since you have these optimal environments to practice these other heroes?

A: Almost always if I'm picked a hero it's because we all agree it's the best choice for the game. And even if it's a hero you're not SUPER comfortable on If you understand your place in the game you can play it at least decently. And yeah being able to play heroes in real environments is very nice compared to just pubs.

Q: Is 33 a full time player, or just a standin like saksa until the next roster lock window (presumably in february)?

A: Well he's technically a standin for now but we chose him with the intention of this going long term so hopefully it works out and that's able to happen.

Q: How do you like optic so far as ORG and fan base?

A: I really like them as an org haven't actually had a single qualm or complaint with them. They treat us very very well. And while the #greenwall can feel a little cringey at times the fan base is super awesome and it's very easy to get into the green wall spirit. With that being said #greenwall haHAA

Q: How did OpTic (formerly The Dire) form after TI? Who approached you to join the team?

A: It actually formed at TI. A few days into the event peter followed me on twitter kinda out the blue and I was like wierd. Then a day or so later he one me asking if I'd be interested in playing with him. Of course I was really interested and he also had gotten zai and misery on board. Just had to decide on our 5th after ti. Peter is a master team crafter.

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