VGJ.Thunder plan to start up academy
The manager of the team VGJ.Thunder - Jack «KBBQ» Chen, told about his plans for the nearest future, among which there is creation of Dota 2 roster academy. The management want to raise new esportsmen, telling about the difficulties a professional player faces, demonstrating them, and also to give a chance to show themselves.
See also: Team Secret invited to MDL Changsha Major.
Jack «KBBQ» Chen for
«We're looking for ways to sign and help support up and coming players, people who want to be professionals. We want to be that gateway, that lottery ticket, to allow them to see what it takes to be a pro, what are the rigors you have to go through.»
«We want to give players the opportunity to learn from our experience and connections, potentially be able to scrim and practice with us, possibly even stand-in or sub.»
«We want to provide support to up and coming players who meet our standards and our goals: in the process we can help ourselves, but we can also change how young players have a pipeline to becoming pros. Even if they don't end up playing for us, we think that's something that'll have helped the Dota community.»
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