Patch 24.0 detaljer for Hearthstone
Update 24.0 for Hearthstone was released today, July 26, which will prepare the game for the new expansion "Murder in Castle Nathria", which is scheduled for release on August 2! The update also includes changes to Mercenary Mode, Battlegrounds, Duels, and the Arena, bug fixes, and more.

Murder at Nathria Castle - Release August 2!
The next Hearthstone expansion, Castle Nathria Murder, will be released next Tuesday, August 2nd! The new expansion includes 135 brand new cards, including 10 suspicious legendary creatures, a new Infusion keyword, a brand new Area card type, and more!
In addition, with the release of Murder at Castle Nathria, there will be a new rewards ribbon with tons of cosmetics, bonus XP, sets, and more gold.
Battlefield Updates

Starting with Update 24.0, all players will have access to the Battlegrounds base emotes. Players will also be able to get special emotes that they can use in place of the base emotes from their new collection. The first set of Battlegrounds Emotes, Mysterious Mayhem, will be a collection of Nathria and the Murder Mystery Emotes, available one week after the expansion's release.
New Hero - Crime Baron Toggy
Perfect crime:
- [9 gold]Steal all creatures in Bob's tavern. Each turn, your next Hero Power costs (1) less.
- Developer Comment: At the end of each Recruitment Phase, the cost of your next Hero Power is automatically reduced by 1. Each time you use Slurp Hero Power, its cost is reset to its original 9 gold and the cycle starts over.
Players with Battlegrounds bonuses will have early access to Crime Baron Whirlwind before its official release on August 9th.
Hero Updates
The Lich King, Sneed and Edwin VanCleef can now target creatures in Bob's Tavern as well as friendly creatures. However, effects that don't last "for one turn" will carry over to the next recruit phase if you freeze this creature in the tavern."
Creature Updates
Red dragon:
- Old: 1 attack, 2 health → New: 2 attack, 2 health.
Evolving Spectrowing[Tavern Lv.1, Dragon]:
- 1 attack, 1 health. After upgrading the tavern, it gets +1/+1 for each of your dragons.
Mercenary Updates
New Timed Event: C'Thun
The event, which begins on August 16, will consist of 10 special quests dedicated to the Old God C'Thun. Two new Event Quests can be unlocked on each of the first five days of the event, until September 6th, to complete all 10 Quests. For completing all 10 quests, players will receive a C'Thun Mercenary, a random C'Thun Gold Portrait, a C'Thun Diamond Portrait, and 700 Mercenary Coins!
New Mercenaries
- C'Thun (legendary fighter).
- Sir Finley (epic defender).
Updated Mercenaries
Brann Bronzebeard | Svetik | Lady Anacondra | Garrosh Hellscream | Zar'jira, sea witch | Kurtrus |
Eliza Stargazer | Drek'Thar | Oracle Morgl | Lich King | Uther | Tavish |
Renault Jackson | Wrathion | Gaff | Cook Pie | King Krush | Lord Jaraxxus |
Mannoroth | Tamsin Rome | Warmaster Wun | Rocar | Ragnaros | Antonidas |
Vanessa Van Cleef | Niuzao | Vandar Stormpike | deathwing | Onyxia | Lady Vashj |
Captain Hookfang | Trigor Khlestun | Murky |
Duel Updates
General updates
- On July 26, the current season of duels will end, the ratings will be reset and the current races will be completed.
- The Witchwood and Nathria Castle Murder expansions will appear in duels!
- The Witchwood will be fully usable in duels on July 26th. Castle Nathria Murder will be added to the Excavation card sets and effects on July 26, but these cards will no longer be usable in the initial deck build until they are released on August 2.
- The new hero will be available with the release of the patch on July 26th.
- All hero abilities and branded treasures are now available for all heroes, for all players, no matter what. No more unlock requirements!
New hero
Darius Crowley:
- Hero Powers. Fire![2 mana]Cannon fire! If they kill creatures, upgrade the ability.
- Fire away![2 mana]Cannon fire! Give your creatures +1 attack.
- Fire for You![3 mana]Shoot the cannons twice!
- Company Treasures. Safe Harbor[2 Mana Spell]Choose a creature and put it into your hand. Worth (0).
- Gray Reinforcement[6 Mana Creature]4 Attack, 3 Health. Battlecry: Summons an additional cannon.
- Tuskarr Raider[4 Mana Creature-Pirate]3 Attack, 9 Health. Onslaught. After this creature attacks, it fires cannons.
- Sea Goliath[10 Mana Creature-Pirate]15 Attack, 15 Health. Costs (1) less per cannon shot.
- Groomer[3 Mana Creature]1 attack, 4 health. At the end of your turn, fire your cannons!
- Dragon Gear[1 Mana Spell]Your cannons deal damage for the rest of the game. 1 more damage.
Arena Updates
On August 2, when "Murder in Nathria Castle" is released , all current races in the arena will end and the new arena season will begin. Eligible card sets will change, so the following sets will make up the list of Arena cards:
- Main set.
- Party in Karazhan.
- Saviors of Uldum.
- Rastakhan's Games.
- Scholomance.
- Madness Fair.
- Murder at Nathria Castle.

New Feature: Featured/Random Hero Skins
From now on, players can favorite several heroes of the same class in the Hearthstone collection. If there is no specific hero in the deck, a random hero will be used in each game. By default, a random hero is selected from a pool of favorites, but you can also choose to be completely random by unchecking "Favorites Only" on the deck, expanding the list to all eligible heroes you own, just like with card backs.
