
Liste over ændringer i opdateringen af 09/08/2022 for CS:GO
On the night of September 7-8, 2022, Valve released a fresh update for CS:GO. This time, the developers paid attention to finalizing several maps, as well as improving the performance of the game client.
- Improved in-game support for mouse and keyboard for Steam Deck
- Reduced game start time
- Improved UI smoothness when swiping through a weapon case in Agent View
- Fixed an issue where some users with a large amount of items would receive a false warning that their inventory was close to their item limit
- Fixed an issue where the first person view did not match the eye level of the player model
Map revision
- Added low cover to the plateau near the main entrance to bombsite B
- Removed a large stone in the center of the map from the side of the special forces base for smoother movement
- Added scaffolding near point A to prevent planting through the window on the steps near the canal on the side of the terrorist base
- Players can silently descend from the "length" near point A
- Fixed rocks that were in contact with the tarp at site A
- Removed a stone in the sewers near point A
- Post at point A is level with the floor
- Removed unnecessary "clips" near the main entrance to site A
- Removed "clips" on stairs that caused grenades to bounce
- Clipping improvements
- Removed clipping under the bridge
- Added a few visual details that minimally impacted FPS
- Added a ladder at the bottom of the main entrance, which covers the terrorists and worsens this position as a place for special forces
- Clipping fix
- Removed the ability to self-plant at the top of the main entrance near the bridge
- Fixed pixels that allowed access to the window frame
- Increased C4 explosion radius
- Fixed various visual bugs
- Crater point renamed to Water Tower
- A new water tower has been added to the Water Tower area
- Changed doors all over the map
- Added sounds when opening and closing doors
- Added a new effect when firing cannons
- Fixed a bug where the cannonball could not damage players
- Cannon icon fixed
- Fixed an issue that caused weapon crates to spawn on the floor next to apartments
- Fixed many minor bugs
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