EGW-NewsCounter-Strike 2Coldzera made an AMA session

Coldzera made an AMA session

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One of the players of SK Gaming Marcelo «coldzera» David made an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit.

We selected a few interesting questions and answers for you. You can find the full version of AMA on Reddit, following the link.

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— Hello Coldzera,

Here are my questions:

You've been playing with TACO since 2013 back in the semXorah squad. How has it been like having one player play with you for such a long part of your career and how has your partnership evolved?

zews said that fer was the one who recommended you to join the LG squad when they wanted to make changes. Were you aware of this at the time, were you expecting it?

Did the way you think about CS change after you started to play in the LG squad?

FalleN says that he changed his style of leadership pre-Faceit Stage 3 Finals and post-Faceit Stage 3 Finals. What do you think about FalleN's growth as a leader?

Your team has had many memorable rivals throughout the years (VP, Na`Vi, Fnatic, Astralis, FaZe), which of them was your favorite to play? Which was the hardest to play?

Outside of your own team, who do you think is the best player, who is your favorite player, and who is the player you respect the most? (Can be same or different players.)

— Taco is like my brother! Most of the ppl dont realize how important he is for the team

I wasn’t expecting at all.

I think yes, cuz i got more xp from playing against better teams.

Fallen is amazing IGL and he’s always learning, and we learn together.

Navi was a team that was amazing we beat them back than, against fnatic it’s weird because we weren’t in our prime and they were.

I respect every player the same!

— Hello Coldzera! Huge fan from Brazil. I always wanted to know, at what point in your CS:GO career, did you have that feeling of "Damn, I think I might be one of the best at this."? And how was that feeling? What keeps you going forward to achieve more and more in CS:GO? Thank you so much. Abraço Cold!

— The first bootcamp outside brazil, I remember I was like "im playing against guys that I used to watch, we scrimmed with navi, I’ve dropped in that scrim like 50 bombs and i thought "they are good, but I’m good too" I remember fallen saying to me "cold everybody is asking where I found u" lol.

— What is the IGL/calling dynamic within your team, as i imagine there would be a lot of great ideas from all 5 players influencing on decisions made during a round, plus from hearing that you and FalleN call "together" somewhat. is FalleN quite authoritarian, or does everyone give him ideas if you get reads and he acts upon what information you give him? would be very insightful as an IGL myself, as i feel the outlook of an IGL is quite out of touch of what it should/can be.

— Everybody is free to call, and help fallen. Our job is to make his job easier feeding him with info.

— Your thoughts on Vega Squadron? I personally think they have potential and can break top 8 this major. And of course good luck, I hope to see you guys vs G2 in the final, your series with them are always exciting to watch!

— They are good, but I think their "unpredictable" and "fearless" style now is predictable so they will need to find new ways to overcome the teams.

— The rise of Luminosity at the end of 2015 was one of the most unexpected things I’ve ever seen in cs history. Now SK is the best team in the world. In your opinion, what non-top team can accomplish similar success in next years?

— Hmm it’s hard, but fast like we did, I don’t think so, it was a combination of hard work and maybe been in the right spot at the right time.

— If you were an aggressive player, would you think you could get more success than players like Fer, S1mple, konfig and Niko or u think you are just the best on your passive roles?

— I can’t play aggressive like this, it’s just not my playstyle. I think I do what I do in a good way to help my team.

— Hi Cold! Just want to say you are one of my favorite players to watch and your consistency is amazing to watch.

My question is, who were your CS inspirations or people you looked up to as you were trying to go pro?

— Thanks for the kind words, olof was the player I was looking after when I started.

— What do you think about so many teams getting disqualified due to visa issues, including your friends from 100T?

— I think it’s hard, but the at the same time, you can’t ignore that America is a rich region and tournaments have to be made here, esports is a business, and somebody gotta pay the bills, and the show for the fans.

— Did you ever think you’d be rated the #1 player in the world? And how does that feel to be titled as such?

— It’s not my main goal, but I’m happy for. And yes when I started I thought "I wanna be the best in the world"

— Who is personally the hardest player for you to play against?

— I have a hard time with NBK.

— What happened before, during and after Katowice 2016? It was the one event where you weren't being yourself, but right after, you became a bigger beast. Would appreciate your side of things.

— Sometimes problems from outside the game can get you! And got me, happens but I’m trying to forget the problems and just focus in the game, it’s been working!

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