Tuvalu er den første stat, der kan blive et metauniversland
The authorities of the island state of Tuvalu announced that it could become the first metauniverse country. Thus, the inhabitants of the island will become closer to Web 3.0 technologies and actively contribute to the development of the idea of metauniverses. In addition, the state wants to preserve its history and culture in this way.
Tuvalu is a small island country of less than 12,000 people located in the South Pacific Ocean. The state is at great risk, because, according to the UN classification, Tuvalu is very vulnerable to climate change and can sink into the ocean due to rising water levels.
In this regard, there is a threat not only to the inhabitants and the country, but also to history along with culture. Attractions can also sink, taking under the water and the history of the state of Tuvalu. Reuters reports that about 40% of the metropolitan area can get into heating during high tide and closer to 2100 the country may completely go under water.
In connection with this possibility, the authorities of Tuvalu seriously thought about the issues of preserving the history of their country, albeit a small one. The format of the metaverses can come to their aid. In virtual worlds, most users have more than once created analogues of real structures, and therefore resorting to the use of special technologies and transferring an island state to the metaverse sounds not only a good idea, but also quite realizable.
Climatic conditions do not spare Tuvalu and the representatives of the island will not be able to stop nature, and therefore they will have to join the culture of the metauniverses and preserve the culture and history of the country in such an unusual way.
With regard to implementation, the public authorities hope to fully preserve the identity of the island in its digital form. This will show posterity what the island looked like before it was flooded. Tuvalu is far from the only country that wants to use Web 3.0 technology to its advantage. Previously, many other countries and individual companies decided to implement unusual ideas that expand the possibilities or complement/facilitate their work in the real world.

Recent examples include the creation of the world's first industrial metaverse by the automotive company Renault. The latter decided to transfer exact copies of their factories in the metaverse they created in order to collect accurate data and optimize their work. This, according to experts, will help save a lot of resources and time required to perform various tasks. You can read about it here .
Another example of the cases of convergence with the world of metauniverses can be called South Korea. Seongnam city authorities want to recreate a settlement in the metaverse. They want to reach the same goal in Seoul. In the case of the capital of South Korea, social interaction is planned to be improved in the future, and citizens will even be able to meet with officials in order to discuss some issues.
Similar decisions are also being made in China and the United Arab Emirates. In the latter, billions of dollars are invested in structures that are directly connected with the metauniverses.
Lately, more and more people are moving into the metaverse and developing the Web 3.0 realms. In the future, hypothetically, full-fledged virtual worlds may appear in which people can not only have a good time, but also work, earning virtual and real money.
It is worth noting that with the advent of cryptocurrencies, cards are also being created that allow you to pay with digital assets in various stores, and some entrepreneurs begin to accept payments with cryptocurrencies. This allows you to fantasize about the fact that it will be possible to earn even virtual money in the metaverses, which can be used to pay in the real world. In addition, the Play2Earn games segment is now actively developing, which already allows players to earn virtual funds that can be exchanged for real money.