Champions Honor of Kings International kom ind i de 15 bedste esportsudøvere efter indtjening i 2022
Analytical portal Esports Earnings carried out a research work, as a result of which it summed up the results of the outgoing year and answered the question “Which of the players earned the most on the professional stage?”.
Obviously, the Tundra Esports team entered the top five, raising the Aegis of Immortal over their heads in 2022 as a sign of victory at The International 2022. Participation in the championship brought the team $8,518,822 in prize money.
This brings Leon 'Nine' Kirilin, Oliver 'Skiter' Lepko and Jingjun 'Sneyking' Wu to $1,778,265 each in 2022. Martin 'Saksa' Sazdov, in turn, earned $1,770,865 over the past year, while Neta '33' Shapira earned $1,748,265.
In sixth position is Fortnite player Anas 'Anas' El-Abd, who earned $1,214,200 in prize money for the year. Five players in Arena of Valor took 7-11 places with the same result. HuaHai, QingRong, TanRan, YZ and ZiYang were able to earn $757,777 each in 2022.
Five players competed under the eStar Pro tag at the main tournament in the discipline, Honor of Kings International Championship 2022. The total prize pool of the championship was $10,000,000. It was attended by 16 of the best teams in the world. The teams that showed the worst results received $250,000, while the winner and vice-champion received $3,500,000 and $1,300,000 respectively. The tournament ended on December 30th.
Full list of players who made the most money in 2022
- 1st place: Leon 'Nine' Kirilin - $1,778,265
- 2nd Place: Oliver 'Skiter' Lepko - $1,778,265
- 3rd: Jingjun 'Sneyking' Wu - $1,778,265
- 4th Place: Martin 'Saksa' Sazdov - $1,770,865
- 5th Place: Neta '33' Shapira - $1,748,265
- 6th: Anas 'Anas' El-Abd - $1,214,200
- 7th: Luo 'HuaHai' Siyuan - $757,777
- 8th: Huang 'QingRong' Yaoking - $757,777
- 9th: Sun 'TanRan' Xinwei - $757,777
- 10th: Liu 'YZ' Tianhao - $757,777
- 11th: Xian 'ZiYang' Yan - $757,777
- 12th: Wang 'Alan' Tianlong - $733,682
- 13th: Remco 'Crystallis' Arets - $605,973
- 14th: Michal 'Nisha' Jankowski - $603,098
- 15th place: Clement 'Puppey' Ivanov - $603,098